The fifth edition of the composition competition held in Regensburg on the contemporary annual theme of the Cultural Department 2022: "Zwischentöne". The competition is aimed at composers of all ages who compose new works and bring them to Regensburg for their world premiere. In the past four editions, more than 250 new works have already been submitted for the city of Regensburg.In addition to the theme "Zwischentöne", the only specifications are the instrumentation of the performing ensemble and a total work length of no more than 6 minutes. The composers are thus given as creative an approach as possible to sounds, freely chosen texts and spatial concepts. New in 2022 is the ensemble instrumentation: a soprano voice and string sextet to string orchestra.
In the first round of the competition, composers of any age and nationality can apply with an existing work. They must submit an anonymous score and an anonymous recording of their own work for voice(s) and 4 to 24 instruments, of which at least two are string instruments. In the first round, 3 composers will be selected and will be asked to write a 5-6 minute work for soprano voice and string sextet to string orchestra that refers to the theme of "intermediate tones" in a personal, creative way.
The following documents must be submitted:
an existing score (anonymised) of your own work for voice(s) and 4 to 24 instruments, at least two of which are string instruments.
an audio sample of the work
Application form with name, address, telephone and e-mail address of the composer and indication of the titles of the submitted compositions
Short biography of the composer with photo
The submission of representative compositions (as PDF) and audio samples (as MP3) will be made digitally and anonymously. A jury of experts will decide on the awarding of the composition commissions.
The following applies to the awarded composition commissions:
Content-related examination of the motto "Zwischentöne" ("In-between tones")
Text basis freely selectable
Composition for soprano (a-d3) and string sextet to string orchestra
Performance time maximum 6 minutes
If the text set to music is not in the public domain, the right of use for the performance and
the right of use for performance and publication in a publishing house must be available.
Conditions of participation
The participants in the competition declare their consent to radio and television recordings as well as recordings on audio and video media (including their reproduction) in connection with the competition. They transfer any rights arising from this to the organisers by accepting the conditions of participation in the composition competition.
1st place : 1.500 € (donated by Stadt Regensburg)
2nd place: 1.000 € (donated by REWAG AG & Co KG Regensburg)
3rd place: 1.000 € (donated by Kammermusikfestival Regensburg)
Concert performance by the Camerata Goltz and Kaoko Amano (soprano)
Closing date: 31 March 2022
Jury evaluation: April 2022
Announcement of the prizewinners: May 2022
Prize-winners' concert: 18 September 2022 (as part of the
Kammermusikfestivals Regensburg)
Bewertende Jury
Yuki Kasai Münchner Kammerorchester
Bridget MacRae Münchner Kammerorchester
Kaoko Amano Ensemble Platypus
Benedikt Wiedmann Kammermusikfestival Regensburg & Camerata Goltz
Christoph Pickelmann Kammermusikfestival Regensburg & Camerata Goltz
Tomasz Skweres Unternehmen Gegenwart
Jakob Steiner Unternehmen Gegenwart
Christoph Schäfer Unternehmen Gegenwart
The decision of the jury is final and unappealable.
Camerata Goltz
The Camerata Goltz is a project orchestra founded by former students of Prof. Conrad von der Goltz's Bavarian early education class for violin and viola. Many of today's members play in leading orchestras in Europe, such as the Bavarian State Orchestra, the Frankfurt Museum Orchestra, the Dresden State Orchestra, the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Stuttgart SWR Symphony Orchestra, the Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra and the Oslo Opera Orchestra.
The origins of the Camerata Goltz go back to the 1990s, when the majority of today's members were young students with Prof. Conrad von der Goltz (violin), Jewgeni Kerschner (viola & violin) and Kristin von der Goltz (violoncello) and got to know each other in the Bavarian Fröhförderklasse in Würzburg and Regensburg. In addition, regular participation in chamber music courses, playing in the chamber orchestra of the early support class (under the direction of Jewgeni Kerschner) and other joint musical activities created a great sense of togetherness. A close and long-standing musical collaboration also developed with lecturers such as Prof. Friedemann Berger, Helena Bondarenko, Barbara von der Goltz and others, who have made an important contribution to the development of the orchestra members.
(Photo: Martin Kellhuber)
The composition competition is promoted and supported by: